This year, 2016, Rare Disease Day is on 29 FEBRUARY 2016!
Rare Disease Day usually takes place on the last day of February every year and because 2016 is a leap year that is why it is on 29th February.
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) is classed as a rare disease which is why we recognise the day here in the UK. It was introduced into the USA in 2009 by National Organisation for Rare Disorders (NORD). Every year the day grows and grows and it was 2015 that was seen as having the most impact and actually managed to trend on Facebook for the 1st time. For more information about Rare Disease Day, please visit their website – www.rarediseaseday.us/
Every year there are more and more events taking place all over the world on Rare Disease Day – do you have an event on that day that you would like seen placed here? If so CONTACT US and let us know!
Last Updated: 28/01/2016
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